Thursday 12 July 2012

The storm is coming.

A small snapshot of everday life turned into a creative writing piece. (intro)

The race is on.The clouds darken. Children once playing happily now sprint to the green, desperate to be nurtured by the canopy of trees.Closely chased by the monstrous storm, they immediatley gather the foundations for a den. Twigs, sticks, leaves...what ever they can find it will be of use to them. The master of the sky sends out a flash lighting, followed by a monotonous rumble that deafens the startled children....


  1. A powerful paragraph. Great vocabulary makes it really compelling.

  2. This is really good! I really like the part about 'The master of the sky' :)

  3. This is really good, I like the use of personification of the canopy of trees and the depth of the description :)
